Wallpaper Installers Gold Coast – Wattle Hotel
As wallpaper installers on the Gold Coast we hang a variety of wallpapers many being for commercial businesses.
There is a big difference in commercial wallpapers compared to your average standard wallpaper. Commercial wallpapers have to be heavy duty to stand up to more than usual wear and tear. They are usually vinyl as well which makes them the perfect wallcovering for hotels, office buildings, hospitals and schools.
Installing commercial wallpaper requires an experienced wallpaper installer as the size of the sheets can be up to three times the width of a standard roll. They also in a lot of cases need to be double cut and trimmed and possibly reverse hung.
Just before Christmas we finished a wallpaper installation at the Wattle Hotel on the Gold Coast. They chose specific walls of the gaming room to be covered with a vinyl commercial grade wallpaper that featured a subtle square pattern in a neutral colour.
We have included some before and after photos below.
Before wallpapering in the main entrance foyer
After wallpapering in the main entrance foyer
Before wallpapering in the main entrance foyer
After wallpapering in the main entrance foyer
wallpapering in progress
finished wall
Wall in Wattle Hotel Before Wallpapering
Wall in Wattle Hotel after wallpapering
Large wall partition before wallpaper installation
Large partition wall after wallpaper installation
Before wallpaper installation
After wallpaper installation
Wallpaper installation before
Wallpaper installation after
We are residential and commercial wallpaper installers on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. We have been doing professional wallpaper installing for over 30 years and have experience in all aspects of wallpapering.
For a free quote for your wallpaper installation on the Gold Coast please phone us on 0410 622 541 or contact us via email here. Also find our wallpaper installers Gold Coast Gumtree ad online now.