Swarovski Crystal Wallpaper – The Ultimate In Opulence

If you’re after something truly glamourous that oozes luxury then you have got to take a look at these exquisite wallpapers that feature swarovski crystals as part of their design.

Below is a video showing Swarovski Elements range of crystal wallpaper but be warned that this is not a cheap wallpaper. You can expect to pay between $330 and $880 per roll.  Go to the  Swarovski elements wallpaper site to enquire where these opulent wallcoverings can be bought from.


Below are some beautiful designs also incorporating swarovski crystals. While not quite as opulent and luxurious as the above wallpaper they still are gorgeous wallcoverings.
They can be purchased here

Kandola Wallpaper

Kandola are specialists in providing luxurious and unique wallcoverings to professional interior designers, retail outlets and hotels. Due to their fresh and dynamic designs Kandola are being enjoyed by more and more customers.

Kandola specialise in crystallizing wallcoverings. They are making a name for themselves by providing original and unique designs that are luxurious and elegant.

These opulent wallpapers feature just the right amount of crystal without looking too over the top. Making a statement in your home has never been so easy especially if the look you want is rich and luxurious.

Kandola uses swarovski crystals on the backgrounds of very high quality wallpaper designs.

There are 3 collections available – The First Love Collection,  Adore Collection and the Jewel Collection. Each collection consists of various designs all incorporating swarovski crystals.

Below are just a few of the designs that are part of each collection.


First Love Collection

First Love collection is the first wallpaper of its kind where print, flock and crystals have been used to create a truly eyecatching wallpaper. Vibrance is a large floral design drawn in gold on a dark charcoal marble effect background with giant velvet black flock flower heads with gold Swarovski crystals at the centre. Hydrangea is a pretty fuchsia pink hydrangea flower with silver gold leaves on a light aubergine marble effect wallpaper with occasional gold butterflies, bright pink Swarovski crystals and glitter details. Other designs part of the collection are Chelsea, Kew Garden and Venice.

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Vibrance

Kandola – First Love Collection – Vibrance

 A large floral design drawn in gold on a charcoal marble effect background with giant velvet black flock flower heads with gold Swarovski crystals at the centre.

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Chelsea

 Kandola – First Love Collection – Chelsea

An all-over trellis effect with a smaller central motif containing hand-placed gold Swarovski crystals.

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Hydrangea

Kandola – First Love Collection – Hydrangea

Pretty lime green hydrangea flower design with silver gold leaves on a chocolate brown marble effect base, with occasional gold butterflies, bright green Swarovski crystals and glitter details

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Venice

Kandola – First Love Collection – Venice

A large damask shield motif, drawn in black on a silver gold base with hand-placed gold Swarovski crystals

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Scroll

Kandola – First Love Collection – Scroll

A delicate rolling circular scroll leaf trail, drawn in black on beige with hand placed gold Swarovski crystals

Kandola Wallpaper - First Love Collection - Vogue

Kandola – First Love Collection – Vogue

A striking circular motif in beige on chocolate with hand placed silver Swarovski crystals.



Adore Collection

This collection includes inspirational, unique and beautiful designs incorporating intricate printing techniques, Swarovski crystals and beautiful colour combinations. These wallpapers have used print, flock and crystals to create a truly stunning wallpaper. There are designs such as a large floral flock drawn in Black on charcoal with metallic gold effect and Swarovski crystals at the centre on the flower heads. Starburst is a geometric design using print, flock and Swarovski crystals. There are many more designs such as Kelway, Amati, Evoke, and Jewel flocked.These are all paste-the-wall products which makes it easy to apply and remove.


Kandola Wallpaper - Adore Collection - Kelway Beads

Kandola – Adore Collection – Kelway Beads

An elegant floral trail design with beautiful beads used as the design. showing in light gold and silver.

Kandola Wallpaper - Adore Collection - Evoke

Kandola – Adore Collection – Evoke

An elegant floral trail design with lots of different pattern effect as detailing. shown in gold and black on a metallic purple/pink background.

Kandola Wallpaper - Adore Collection - Amity Flock

Kandola – Adore Collection – Amity

A luxury flock wallcovering with a elegant floral trail design and beautiful light orange Swarovski crystals. showing in black on black with gold detail.

Kandola Wallpaper - Adore Collection - Starburst Flocked

Kandola – Adore Collection – Starburst

An elegant geometric tear shape design, partly in flock including beautiful Swarovski crystals. A truly special paper.

Kandola Wallpaper - Adore Collection - Starburst

Closeup of Starburst Design


Jewel Collection

The Jewel Collection by Kandola brings a unique crystalline dimension to interiors. The Jewell Collection comprises of eight wallpaper designs in a number of colour ways made with crystallized Swarovski elements. Two of these wallpapers have a fabulous layer of beads and crystals which subtly changes colour creating a refined and subtle brilliance. All Paste-the-wall products which makes it easy to apply and remove.


Kandola Wallpaper - Jewelled Collection - Damask Flock

Kandola – Jewel Collection – Damask Flock Closeup

Kandola Wallpaper - Jewell Collection - Damask Flocked

Kandola – Jewel Collection – Damask Flock

The large damask design dazzles and shimmers as the lavish crystals bouncing light from candles and lamps. Showing in metallic silver and black flock.

Kandola Wallpaper - Jewell Collection - Garnet

Kandola – Jewel Collection – Garnet

A platinum silver mirror background with a weathered cream trellis and motif design highlighted with gold crystals giving that exclusive shimmered glassed effect.

Kandola Wallpaper - Jewell Collection - Paisley

Kandola – Jewel Collection – Paisley

This Paisley design twinkles with Swarovski crystals in the centre of each design on a soft background.


Keep in mind that these designs do have various colourways available.

We wallpaper homes and businesses all over the Gold Coast and Brisbane, please don’t hesitate to call on 0410 622 541 or contact us by email for a quote.

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